Adjusting the number of columns per row

  • Last updated on September 6, 2024 at 12:56 PM

Podia lets you easily adjust how many columns you want your grid section to have (you can add up to six!).

In this article:

Customizing the number of columns per row

Step 1: Access the Site builder

From the top navigation menu, click on Site, and select "Edit site"

Step 2: Click to edit an existing page section that uses columns, or add a new page section that supports a column layout.

Step 3: Navigate to the Design tab.

Step 4: Use the Columns count slider to adjust how many columns per row you want to have on a specific page section.

You can have up to 6 columns per row and the width of each column will be automatically adjusted based on your page section's width settings.

FAQ & Troubleshooting

I've adjusted the number of columns and my column images look big/weird on mobile... HELP!

If you’ve adjusted the number of columns on your site pages and your images appear too large or out of place, check if the mobile full-width option is enabled and consider turning it off.

Disabling this option will preserve your image’s width settings on mobile and tablet devices, ensuring they look better when resized.

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